What Are the Requirements for Mn Reading Licensure

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  • Minnesota Teaching License Programs

    If you want to teach to alter the globe, bring together Hamline's community of educators. In the past 25 years alone, Hamline has helped nigh iii,000 undergraduate and graduate students become teachers, and we're the leader in additional licensure options for existing educators. We've prepared some of the state's best teachers, as recognized by Education Minnesota.

    We're committed to providing you with everything you need to evaluate your options. Our advisors will assistance you explore your areas of interest and the courses you'll demand. Discuss your options today and take an advisor review your transcripts.

    Initial License - Become a Teacher

    If you're interested in changing careers or fulfilling your dream of becoming a teacher, Hamline has programs for both undergraduate and graduate students to get their first education license.

    Undergraduate students can also take advantage of the pathway to the Master of Arts in Teaching program and get their bachelor's caste, master's degree, and initial license preparation in our accelerated program.

    Additional License Programs

    Hamline offers a multifariousness of license options for existing educators to expand their expertise in areas such as adult bones education, K-12 reading, and K-12 ESL, and special education (ABS, ASD).

  • View Courses for Initial and Additional Didactics License Options

    v-8 Communication Arts and Literature Endorsement*

    *5-eight Communication Arts and Literature Endorsement is only offered every bit an boosted license.

    Instruction Courses

    MTLE: Middle Level Communication Arts/Literature 5-viii (sub test 1 and sub examination ii)
    GED 7815 - Schools and Order
    GED 7825 - Educational Psychology
    GED 7862 - Teaching and Cultural Diversity
    GED 7867 - Theory to Practice
    GED 7872 - Exceptionality
    GED 7888 - English Learners in the Mainstream
    GED 7990 - Advanced Practicum
    GED 7857 - Teaching Communication Arts/Literature, Trip the light fantastic toe/Theatre Arts Office I
    GED 7870 - Teaching Communication Arts/Literature in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse Role II

    v-8 Communication Arts and Literature

    ENG 1900 - Introduction to Literature and Criticism
    ENG 3720 - Pedagogy Writing: Theory and Practise
    ENG XXXX - One English course with a Race/Ethnicity or Gender focus
    COMM 1110 - Public Speaking

    1 literature survey course:

    ENG 1200 - Introduction to English Studies (topics vary)
    ENG 3000-level elective (topics vary)

    One communications form:

    COMM 1100 - Introduction to Communication Studies
    COMM 1320 - Introduction to Disquisitional Media Studies
    COMM 3320 - Media in the Digital Age

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    v-8 Mathematics Endorsement*

    *five-viii Mathematics Endorsement is only offered as an additional license.

    Education Courses

    MTLE: Middle Level Mathematics 5-eight (sub test 1 and sub test 2)
    GED 7815 - Schools and Gild
    GED 7825 - Educational Psychology
    GED 7862 - Pedagogy and Cultural Multifariousness
    GED 7867 - Theory to Practice
    GED 7872 - Exceptionality
    GED 7871 - Instruction Literacy in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse five-12
    GED 7888 - English language Learners in the Mainstream
    GED 7990 - Avant-garde Practicum
    GED 7879 - Instruction Mathematics and Science in the Middle and Secondary School Office I
    GED 7880 - Teaching Mathematics in the Eye and Secondary School Part II

    five-8 MAthematics Courses

    MATH 1170 - Calculus I
    MATH 1180 - Calculus II
    MATH 1200 - Statistics
    MATH 3440 - Discrete Mathematics
    MATH 3550 - Foundations of Mathematics
    MATH 3560 - Modern Geometry

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    5-8 Social Studies Endorsement*

    *five-8 Social Studies Endorsement is only offered as an additional license.

    Education Courses

    MTLE: Middle Level Social Studies 5-8 (sub examination 1 and sub examination 2)
    GED 7815 - Schools and Society
    GED 7825 - Educational Psychology
    GED 7862 - Education and Cultural Diversity
    GED 7867 - Theory to Practice
    GED 7872 - Exceptionality
    G ED 7871 - Teaching Literacy in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse 5-12
    GED 7888 - English language Learners in the Mainstream
    GED 7990 - Advanced Practicum
    GED 7858 - Didactics Social Studies in the Heart and Secondary School Part I
    GED 7873 - Educational activity Social Studies in the Middle and Secondary School Part II

    5-8 Social Studies Courses

    ANTH 1160 - Introduction to Anthropology
    HIST 1310 - Introduction to United states of america History: 1865-Present
    HIST 3010 - Historical Methods
    PSCI 1110 - American Government and Politics
    One form in Human Geography (not offered at Hamline)

    One Economics COURSE

    Cull one:
    ECON 1100 - Principles of Economics
    ECON 1200 - Big Data and Social Issues

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    Adult Basic Education

    EDUCATION FOUNDATION COURSES (initial license only)

    NOTE: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Educational activity Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0 credits
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Society, 4 credits
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4 credits
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4 credits
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, iv credits
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2 credits

    ADULT Bones Education COURSES (initial and additional licenses)

    EDU 7601 Introduction to Adult Instruction, 4 credits
    ESL 7631 Introduction to the Adult ESL Learner: Developing Literacy Skills, ii credits
    EDUC 7636 Course Pattern for Developed Classes, 2 credits
    ESL/EDUC 7638 Assessment of Adult Students, 2 credits
    EDUC 7690 ABE Field Experience, 0 credits
    EDUC 6xxx constituent course in ESL, mathematics, or adult education, 2 credits

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    Chemical science 9-12

    Education Courses

    Notation: Undergraduate students annals for EDU classes until admitted to the Instructor Education Plan.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Social club, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4cr
    GED 7871 Educational activity Literacy in the Middle and Secondary School/5-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7879 Teaching Math and Scientific discipline in the Centre and Secondary School Part I, 4cr
    GED 7874 Teaching Scientific discipline in the Centre and Secondary School Part II, 4cr
    GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7894 Secondary Pupil Teaching/ix-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Educatee Education Seminar, 2 cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Advanced Practicum, 2cr (Boosted License)

    Chemistry Courses

    CHEM 1130 General Chemistry I, 4cr
    CHEM 1140 Full general Chemistry II, 4cr
    CHEM 3240 Belittling Chemistry, 4cr
    CHEM 3450 Organic Chemistry I, 4cr
    CHEM 3820 Biochemistry I, 4cr
    CHEM XXXX Chemistry course with a research component
    PHYS 1150 or 1230 General Physics I, 4cr
    PHYS 1160 or 1240 General Physics Two, 4cr
    MATH 1200 Statistics, 4cr

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    Communication Arts and Literature v-12

    Pedagogy Courses

    Notation: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Instructor Education Plan.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Society, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diverseness, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practise, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7857 Teaching Communication Arts/Lit and Dance/Theatre Arts Role I, 4cr
    GED 7870 Educational activity Comm Arts/Lit in the Middle and Secondary School Role Ii, 4cr
    GED 7888 English language Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7895 Secondary Student Teaching/5-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Student Pedagogy Seminar, 2cr (Additional License)

    Communication Arts/Literature Courses

    ENG 3020 Literary and Cultural Theory, 4cr
    ENG 3190 Intro to Linguistics or ESL 8100 Linguistics for Language Teachers, 4cr
    ENG 3720 Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice, 4cr
    Literature-based courses that represent a range of various authors, genres, time periods, and perspectives (e.g., ENG 1200, ENG 1900, ENG 3450, ENG 3530, ENG 3540, ENG 3570), viii cr

    COMM 1110 Public Speaking, 4cr
    COMM 1320 Intro to Mass Media or 3320 Media in the Digital Age, 4cr

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    Simple Education K-6

    Education Courses

    NOTE: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Instructor Education Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Club, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practise, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7888 English language Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7885 Unproblematic Educatee Teaching G-6, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Student Teaching Seminar, 2cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Advanced Practicum, 2cr (Additional License)

    Elementary K-half dozen Courses

    GED 7835 Teaching Art in the Elementary School/K-6, 1cr
    GED 7836 Teaching Music in the Elementary School/K-six, 1cr
    GED 7837 Didactics Health in the Elementary School/K-6, 1cr
    GED 7838 Instruction Physical Education in the Elementary Schoolhouse/K-6, 1cr
    GED 7840 Didactics Social Studies in the Uncomplicated School/Chiliad-vi, 4cr
    GED 7846 Instruction Literacy in the Elementary School/K-6, 4cr
    GED 7846L LAB: Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School, 2cr
    GED 7847 Didactics Literacy in the Elementary School Grand-6, Part II, 2cr
    GED 7851 Pedagogy Science in the Simple School/K-6, 4cr
    GED 7852 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School/Yard-vi, 6cr
    GED 7852L LAB: Didactics Mathematics in the Simple School, 2cr

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    English as a Second Language K-12

    Education Courses

    NOTE: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Instruction Programme.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Club, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Educational activity and Cultural Diverseness, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Exercise, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7896 K-12 Educatee Pedagogy, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Pupil Didactics Seminar, ii cr (Initial License)
    ESL 7990 Avant-garde Practicum, 2 cr (Additional License)

    English as a Second Linguistic communication Courses

    ESL 8100 Linguistics for Language Teachers, 4cr
    ESL 8110 Language and Gild, 4 cr
    ESL 8120 Pedagogical Grammar and Soapbox, 4cr
    ESL 8130 Exploring Learner Language and SLA, 4cr
    ESL 7770 Critical Praxis in TESOL, 4 cr
    ESL 7753 Testing and Evaluation of English Learners, 2cr
    ESL 7775 ESL Methods I, 4cr
    ESL 7776 ESL Methods II, 4 cr (have semester prior to student didactics)

    To get an ESL license in Minnesota, candidates demand to testify that they have learned a language other than English language. The minimum requirement is either ii years in loftier school or ii semesters in college, documented with a transcript. Candidates whose offset language is not English, or who take caused another language in other ways, should discuss their case with Hamline staff.

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    General Science v-8

    Didactics Courses

    Note: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Instructor Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Lodge, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4cr
    GED 7871 Teaching Literacy in the Middle and Secondary School/5-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7879 Instruction Math and Science in the Middle and Secondary School Part I, 4cr
    GED 7874 Pedagogy Science in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse Role II, 4cr
    GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7895 Secondary Educatee Teaching, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Student Didactics Seminar, 2 cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Advanced Practicum, 2cr (Additional License)

    Science five-viii Courses

    BIOL 1510 Integrated Concepts in Biology I, 4cr
    BIOL 1520 Integrated Concepts in Biology Ii, 4cr
    CHEM 1130 General Chemistry I, 4cr
    CHEM 1140 General Chemistry Ii, 4cr
    PHYS 1150/1230 Full general Physics I, 4cr
    PHYS 1160/1240 General Physics II, 4cr
    PHYS 1120 Astronomy, 4cr
    1 course in Earth Science
    MATH 1200 Statistics, 4cr

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    K-12 Reading License*

    *Chiliad-12 Reading License is just offered as an additional license.

    Educational activity Courses

    LANG 8300 The Nature of Literacy Learning and Effective Instructional Practices, 4cr
    LANG 8310 Critical Literacy: Fostering Equity, Admission, and Varied Perspectives, 2cr
    LANG 8320 Digital Literacies: Advancing Comprehension, 2cr
    LANG 8330 Idenitfying and Coming together Pupil Needs: Determinative and Summative Reading Assessments, 4cr
    LANG 8340 Disquisitional Issues in Literacy Leadership: Understanding and Advocating at Local, State, and National Levels, 2cr


    Participate in at to the lowest degree 1 field feel at the unproblematic, center, and loftier schoolhouse levels. You lot may as well work with students in your own educational setting.

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    Life Scientific discipline nine-12

    Educational activity Courses

    NOTE: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Education Programme.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Society, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Didactics and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4cr
    GED 7871 Teaching Literacy in the Eye and Secondary School/5-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7879 Teaching Math and Science in the Middle and Secondary School Part I, 4cr
    GED 7874 Educational activity Science in the Middle and Secondary School Role Ii, 4cr
    GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7894 Secondary Student Didactics/9-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Educatee Teaching Seminar, 2cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Advanced Practicum (Boosted License)

    Biology Courses

    BIOL 1510 Integrated Concepts in Biology I, 4cr
    BIOL 1520 Integrated Concepts in Biology II, 4cr
    BIOL 3050 Principles of Genetics, 4cr
    BIOL 3060 Principles of Prison cell Biology, 4cr
    BIOL XXXX Biological science Constituent
    BIOL XXXX Biology Elective
    BIOL XXXX Biology Elective
    BIOL XXXX Biology Elective with a enquiry component
    CHEM 1130 General Chemistry I, 4cr
    MATH 1200 Statistics, 4cr

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    Mathematics 5-12

    Teaching Courses

    Annotation: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Teacher Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Society, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4cr
    GED 7871 Teaching Literacy in the Middle and Secondary School/five-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7879 Didactics Math and Science in the Middle and Secondary School Part I, 4cr
    GED 7880 Teaching Math in the Middle and Secondary School Part II, 4cr
    GED 7888 English language Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7895 Secondary Student Teaching/v-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Pupil Teaching Seminar, 2cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Advanced Practicum, 2cr (Additional License)

    Math Courses

    MATH 1170 Calculus I, 4cr
    MATH 1180 Calculus II, 4cr
    MATH 1200 Statistics, 4cr
    MATH 3440 Discrete Math, 4cr
    MATH 3550 Foundations of Mathematics, 4cr
    MATH 3560 Modern Geometry, 4cr
    MATH xxxx Elective
    MATH xxxx Elective
    MATH xxxx Elective

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    Physics 9-12

    Education Courses

    NOTE: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Pedagogy Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Instructor Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Society, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Do, 4cr
    GED 7871 Teaching Literacy in the Heart and Secondary Schoolhouse/five-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7879 Teaching Math and Science in the Middle and Secondary School Role I, 4cr
    GED 7874 Didactics Scientific discipline in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse Function 2, 4cr
    GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7894 Secondary Student Education/9-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Pupil Teaching Seminar, 2cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Avant-garde Practicum, 2cr (Additional License)

    Physics Courses

    CHEM 1130 General Chemical science I, 4cr
    CHEM 1140 General Chemistry Ii, 4cr
    PHYS 1230 General Physics I, 4cr
    PHYS 1240 Full general Physics 2, 4cr
    PHYS 3540 Modernistic Physics, 4cr
    PHYS 5930 Theoretical Mechanics, 4cr
    PHYS 5xxx Physics elective, 4cr
    PHYS 5xxx Physics elective with research component, 4cr
    MATH 1170 Calculus I, 4cr
    MATH 1180 Calculus II, 4cr
    MATH 1200 Statistics, 4cr
    MATH 3320 Multivariable and Vector Calculus, 4cr

    MATH 3720 Introduction to Applied Mathematics is a prerequisite for virtually of the 5000+ level classes.

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    Social Studies 5-12

    Pedagogy Courses

    Note: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Instructor Education Program.

    GED 7801 Intro to Advanced Instructor Thinking, 0cr
    EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools & Social club, 4cr
    EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4cr
    EDU 3500/GED 7862 Teaching and Cultural Multifariousness, 4cr
    EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4cr
    GED 7871 Didactics Literacy in the Middle and Secondary Schoolhouse/5-12, 4cr
    GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2cr
    GED 7888 English language Learners in the Mainstream, 2cr
    GED 7895 Secondary Student Educational activity/5-12, 6cr (Initial License)
    GED 7050 Pupil Instruction Seminar, 2cr (Initial License)
    GED 7990 Avant-garde Practicum, 2cr (Additional License)

    Methods Requirements - Social Studies

    GED 7858 - Didactics Social Studies in the Middle and Secondary School Part I
    GED 7873 - Teaching Social Studies in the Middle and Secondary School Office Ii

    Social Studies Courses

    ANTH 1160 - Introduction to Anthropology
    ECON 1100 - Principles of Economic science
    ECON 1200 - Big Data and Social Issues
    HIST 1310 - Introduction to The states History: 1865-Present
    HIST 3XXX - History course numbered above 3010
    HIST XXXX - Non-Western History course
    PSCI 1110 - American Government and Politics
    PSY 1330 - General Psychology
    SOC 1110 - Introduction to Sociological Thinking
    I course in Human Geography or World Geography (non offered at Hamline)

    Concentration Courses

    Half-dozen courses in one concentration surface area from one of the subject areas listed above. At least 1 of the half dozen courses must be at the 5000 level and at to the lowest degree one must be at the 3000 level. This concentration must also include the methodology grade in the discipline from among the options below.

    Notation: Courses listed to a higher place are counted toward the concentration area.

    Methodology Course
    Choose the course that matches the concentration area.

    • ANTH 5260 - Anthropological Thought and Theory
    • HIST 3010 - Historical Methods
    • PSCI 3540 - Political Research and Analysis
    • PSY 3350 - Research Methods in Psychology
    • QMBE 1310 - Statistics (for economic science)
    • SOC 3930 - Social Research Methods

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    Special Education - Academic Behavioral Strategist

    Instruction (initial license)

    • EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools and Society, iv credits
    • EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4 credits
    • EDU 3500/GED 7862 Education and Cultural Diversity, 4 credits
    • EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, 4 credits
    • GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2 credits
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, ii credits

    SPECIAL Education (initial and boosted license)

    • SPED 7930 Special Education Evaluation and Cess, 4 credits
    • SPED 7940 Special Education Legal Requirements and Ethical Considerations for Educators, 4 credits
    • SPED 7950 Special Teaching Community Collaboration, four credits
    • GED 7846 Teaching Literacy in the Uncomplicated School, Role one, iv credits
    • GED 7847 Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School, Part 2, 2 credits
    • GED 7846L Lab: Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School, two credits
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, two credits

    Academic BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIST (initial, additional, and categorical license)

    • SPED 7201 Collaboration and Multi-categorical Strategies, ii credits
    • SPED 7202 Social Communication and Positive Behavior Supports, 4 credits
    • SPED 7203 Functional Bookish and Life Skills, ii credits
    • SPED 7204 Academic and Instructional Strategies for Learners with Mild to Moderate Disabilities, 2 credits
    • SPED 7205 Beliefs Intervention and Mental Health, four credits
    • GED 7990 Advanced practicum, four credits (additional/categorical license only)
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2 credits

    OTHER REQUIREMENTS (initial license only)

    • Student teaching, six credits
    • Student teaching seminar, 2 credits

    Asking more information   Special Education Program Overview

    Special Education - Autism Spectrum Disorder

    EDUCATION FOUNDATION (initial license)

    Notation: Undergraduate students register for EDU classes until admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

    • EDU 1150/GED 7815 Schools and Society, 4 credits
    • EDU 1250/GED 7825 Educational Psychology, 4 credits
    • EDU 3500/GED 7862 Teaching and Cultural Diversity, 4 credits
    • EDU 3260/GED 7867 Theory to Practice, iv credits
    • GED 7872 Exceptionality, 2 credits
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2 credits

    SPECIAL Teaching (initial and additional license)

    • SPED 7930 Special Education Evaluation and Assessment, 4 credits
    • SPED 7940 Special Education Legal Requirements and Ethical Considerations for Educators, 4 credits
    • SPED 7950 Special Education Community Collaboration, 4 credits
    • GED 7846 Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School, Part 1, 4 credits
    • GED 7847 Teaching Literacy in the Simple School, Part 2, 2 credits
    • GED 7846L Lab: Didactics Literacy in the Elementary School, two credits
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, 2 credits

    AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (initial, boosted, and categorical)

    • SPED 7100 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Introduction and Overview, 2 credits
    • SPED 7101 Proactive Behavior Management, 2 credits
    • SPED 7102 Assessment: Identification and Planning for the Student with ASD, 2 credits
    • SPED 7103 Advice, Assessment, and Intervention for Learners with ASD, 2 credits
    • SPED 7104 Intervention and Strategies for Students with ASD, 4 credits
    • SPED 7105 Collaborative Transition Programming to Support Individuals with ASD Beyond Ages, 2 credits
    • SPED 7106 Social Cognition, 2 credits
    • GED 7990 Avant-garde Practicum, 4 credits (additional/categorical license only)
    • GED 7888 English Learners in the Mainstream, two credits

    OTHER REQUIREMENTS (initial license)

    • Student education, 6 credits
    • Student education seminar, ii credits

    Request more data   Special Education Program Overview

  • Completing your Master of Arts in Teaching degree

    Once you've completed student educational activity and seminar, you tin can enroll in the start of two degree completion courses.

    Features: eight credits, 2 four-credit courses
    GED 8400: Research Design, 4cr
    GED 8495: Capstone Thesis, 4cr or GED 8490: Capstone Project, 4cr

    Review my transcripts


Source: https://www.hamline.edu/education/licenses/

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